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Vietnam export plastic products more abundant

In the actual plastic industry increasing associated industry-related businesses could be seen, from small-scale and family-run units to big brands. The more important  detail is enterprises have become mature and operating  their business  management with advanced managing and methodical modules which is a reason explaining why Vietnamese plastic products  exports are further abundant in products samples and with increasing quality.

-   However, in the world nowadays bio-plastic industry is under development, in particular self-degradable plastic bags. In Africa the prohibition of non self-bio-degradable packaging usage is becoming a strong wave in five East-African countries. In the future as bio-self degradable packaging will substitute nylon bags for the environment protection, Vietnamese plastic businesses need to seize the markets demand to meet them timely.

-   In May 2011, there were 21 plastics products categories shipped to world markets recording an export turnover of 107.17 million USD, up 23.1% from same period year-on-year but a month-on-month less of 1.2%.

-   In June 2011, it is expected that plastic products exports could reach 112 million USD, a month-on-month rise of 4.5%. Japan remains the leading market in importing Vietnamese plastic products with an export turnover estimated at 24.78 million USD, a month-on-month up 11.1%.

-   In May 5/2011, there were 12 categories of plastic products obtaining over 1 million USD of export turnover. Three categories in particular attained over 10 million USD of sales which were plastic bags, plastic sheets, boards, films and plastic products used in transportation and packing.

In May 2011, 21 categories of plastics products exported to world markets attaining 107.17 million USD of sales, up 23.1% of same period year-on-year, but a slight 1.2% less than April 2011.However, this is a temporary slide and export turnover of plastic products would have a further rise.
Export turnover of plastic products in June 2011 are expected to reach 112 million USD, a month-on-month rise of 4.5%. Japan keeps leading market of importing Vietnamese plastic products with an expected export turnover of 24.78 million USD, a month-on-month rise of 11.1%. 

Plastic sheets, boards, films stand second position on top export list with 23.81 million USD, accounting for 22% of total exports and are main plastic products exported to Indonesia, Philippines markets…

 Plastic products used in transportation, packing scored third position with an export turnover of 10.32 million USD, accounting for 9.6% of total exports. These plastic products are much exported to markets such as USA, Kampuchea…

Three plastic products  categories having export value over 8 million  USD are  Tarpaulin, household plastic products, industrial plastic products with respective export turnover  of 8.87 million  USD, 8.55 million  USD and 8.41 million  USD, accounting successively for 8.3%, 8.0% and 7.9%. These plastic products have many daily applications so that exports would keep increasing as consumers’ demand would rise.

 Besides, two other export plastic products reaching over 03 million USD of turnover are small statues, pots, other ornamental products and offices, schools equipment with respective export turnover of 5.1 million USD and 3.06 million USD, accounting for 4.8% and 2.9% of total exports. Exports of these plastic products categories will be improved further in time to come.

 The remaining 4 plastic products reaching turnover over 1 million USD are pipes and fittings, cosmetics cases, offices, schools equipment and caps, lids, valves with export turnover respectively 1.94 million USD, 1.8 million USD, 1.37 million USD and 1.35 million USD, accounting for 1.8%, 1.7%, 1.3% and 1.3% which are plastic products that have great potential for export in the future.

Compared to same period in 2010, most of all plastic products scored  

Plastic products categories export structure (% by value)


Compared to same period in 2010, most of all plastic products scored considerable export turnover with a total export turnover rise of 23, 1%. Plastic products having strongest growing export turnover in May 2011 are cosmetics cases with 171.6% growth, followed by Tarpaulin with 159.9% growth. These products are having bold growth in export turnover and expected to keep growing stronger in the future.

Two core products had a year-on-year two-digit growth which are plastic bags with  42.7% increase, plastic sheets, boards, films with 42.2%, showing a future of Vietnamese plastic industry in which exports would have further strong growth.

In the other hand other main plastic products having 2-digit growth in export turnover are industrial plastic products, household products, small statues; flower pots other ornamental stuffs and caps, lids and valves with respective growth of 11.4%, 10.1%, 39.8% and 84.9%.

Some plastic products export turnover however, drop considerably compared to same period last year 2010 such as office products which felt to 58.8%, while other plastics, products used in transportation, packing had a slight decrease in export turnover of 3.8% and building materials down of 2.5%.

Compared to April 2011, plastic products export turnover had a minor decrease at 1.2%. This is a temporary fall not to be worried about and in months to come Vietnamese plastic products exports will keep growing strong.

Among most-exported plastic products group, products that had strongest growth are industrial plastic products which rose up to 57.4%, followed by building materials with 31.7% up, caps, lids with 40.6% up.

Some main export products had a small rise in export turnover compared to April 2011 such as plastic bags with 5.7% up, plastic sheets, boards, films up 0.7%, a sign that these items did not have much breakthrough in export turnover so that exporters should carry out more intensive surveys on markets demand to expand the markets and increase export sales.



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Ngành nhựa VN có cơ hội lớn để mở rộng xuất khẩu
Theo đánh giá của Hiệp hội Nhựa Việt Nam (VPA), sản phẩm nhựa của Việt Nam hiện tại đang có cơ hội lớn trong việc mở rộng thị phần xuất khẩu. Nguyên nhân là thời gian gần đây, giá sản phẩm nhựa của Trung Quốc không còn rẻ nữa mà ngang bằng với giá sản phẩm nhựa của Việt Nam.
Vietnam export plastic products more abundant
In the actual plastic industry increasing associated industry-related businesses could be seen, from small-scale and family-run units to big brands. The more important  detail is enterprises have become mature and operating  their business  management with advanced managing and methodical modules which is a reason explaining why Vietnamese plastic products  exports are further abundant in products samples and with increasing quality.
Higher MEG costs push up PET prices in Asia
Meanwhile, buyers in the region are mostly covered for now as they had built some stocks ahead of the recent increases. A bottle manufacturer in Indonesia received both import and local PET offers with increases of $10-20/ton on the week. He commented, “Our stocks are sufficient until early August as we had already made some purchases two weeks ago when prices reached the bottom level.” A converter in Vietnam also reported receiving firmer PET prices, adding, “Our end product demand is good these days while we are covered until the end of August as we secured some cargoes when prices were lower.” 
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Sản phẩm tiêu biểu

Hộp cơm hai tầng

Hộp cơm hai tầng

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị ...
Kích thước ...
Nguyên liệu ... Màu sắc
Hũ đựng gia vị vuông

Hũ đựng gia vị vuông

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 13cm*21*21
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
Ca đá cách nhiệt đại Model Hàn Quốc

Ca đá cách nhiệt đại Model Hàn Quốc

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 13cm*21*21
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
Ca đá cách nhiệt trung - Model Hàn Quốc

Ca đá cách nhiệt trung - Model Hàn Quốc

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 13cm*21*21
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
Ca đá cách nhiệt nhỏ - Model Hàn Quốc

Ca đá cách nhiệt nhỏ - Model Hàn Quốc

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 13cm*21*21
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
Ca trà nhiệt nhỏ

Ca trà nhiệt nhỏ

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ...919
Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 750 ml, 12-18 cm
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
Bình Quai Nhiệt 1 Lít

Bình Quai Nhiệt 1 Lít

Giá bán: $Vui lòng liên hệ.
Đặt mua
Mã số ... Đơn vị Cái
Kích thước 13cm*21*21
Nguyên liệu PP Màu sắc
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